From instructional planning, to lesson delivery, and providing supervisory feedback to enhance instruction, LCM has worked alongside teachers and principals to support them in enhancing their professional practice and ultimately improving instructional outcomes for students.
We possess expertise to assist you to:
Develop Reflective Capacity of ALL Staff
Provide High Quality Professional Development
Build Successful Professional Learning Communities
Support Development of Teacher Leaders
Make Informed Use of Instructional Data
Engage in Strength-Based Improvement Efforts
Promote Principal Capacity-Building Skills
Create Individual Coaching Plans for Teachers
Encourage Positive Faculty Relationships and Strong School Culture
Lead Campuses to Develop Vision, Mission & Belief Statements
Facilitate Strategic Planning Efforts
Individualized professional coaching for principals and assistant principals
Support for implementation of T-TESS with fidelity to achieve desired outcomes
Guidance for development of T-PESS Student Growth Goals
Facilitation of the SLO process for campus or district
Assistance as school starts to plan and provide customized professional development for teachers, and other appropriate trainings as needed
Ongoing support to principals including collaborative walkthroughs, effective conferences, determination of progress toward goals
Customized professional development based on district/campus needs
Other services based on request
Professional Development Training Sessions
Making the Most of T-TESS
Building Teacher Capacity with T-TESS
Developing Capacity with T-PESS
Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) for ALL
Power of Positive Language in Coaching